
Interior design: 10 mistakes when selecting colors


In this article, we will talk about the constant that influences the mood, feeling and general atmosphere in the apartment most of all – we will talk about the color!

Arbuzov Studio shares experience and examines the common mistakes that many people make while choosing a color solution of the interior.

№ 1. How not to “whiten the white…”

Some people prefer to completely “whiten” the room, following the rule: “More white, more light!” Maybe there will be more light, but isn’t it boring and monotonous? We strongly advise you to make bright accents in furniture; the white color is perfectly combined with all other ones.

№ 2. How not to “put it here!”

It’s about zoning, when the space is divided with the help of walls painted in different colors. This is especially common in studios and free-pattern apartments. Unfortunately, the division of the interior is not often necessary, logical and well selected. We advise to address a professional designer in this case, because the whole apartment is at stake!

№ 3. How not to follow the slogan: “It's so fashionable!”

Do not pursue fashionable trends. After all, they can be killers of the basic interior design rules. For example, the beige color was the height of fashion one time! So many people avoided contrasts, that led to monotony and “boxabitity” of the room.

№ 4. How not to do “more light!”

While choosing dark shades of the apartment interior, don’t forget about high-quality lighting. Don’t make a crypt out of a room: if you want to make a “darker” environment, then we advise you not to experiment, but address designers for help.

№ 5. How not to “separate the floor”

Don’t forget that the floor (parquet, linoleum, etc.) is an important part of the room; it affects the whole room atmosphere and is not a separate world! Select the color of the floor in accordance with the color of the designing and interior finish. This also applies to the color of the ceiling.

№ 6. How not to use “the fifty-fifty formula”

We are talking about numbers in proportion, which determine the ratio of colors in one room.

Use the “60:30:10” formula in your design!

60% is the largest surface. These are walls, a large carpet, perhaps a ceiling. Remember, the larger the area is, the less bright the color must be!

30% is the surface that is 2 times smaller. Since the second color is used for smaller objects, this color may be brighter.

10 % is the surface with the accent color. Interior items are used as accents: pillows, paintings, covers, etc. Feel free to choose a pure rich color here.

№ 7. How not to make “more colors”

Don’t make the interior tawdry, which can immediately suggest the lack of taste of the host. The more colors you use, the higher is the risk of overdoing and matching incompatible colors. Moreover, the allegedly “stylish” atmosphere is just annoying.

№ 8 How not to follow the idea: “This is my favorite color!”

Don’t use only your one favorite color for the room! Simply use it just to make accents for different things: furniture, pillows, paintings, etc. This will create a greater effect than the concentration of one color in the room.

№ 9. How not to make “a combination of incompatible things”

Furniture and decor should supplement each other, and not try to force out each other! All items should look harmonious in the room. Don’t choose motley colors in furniture, ceiling and wall coverings, which may entail a loss of a single style.

№ 10. How not to make “everything red and yellow”

You shouldn’t use very bright and saturated colors. Provide a soft room environment that won’t be annoying and will make your home a favorite place!

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